Tuesday 28 November 2017

Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

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Neem is one of the common and popular trees in India for its herbal benefits; it is uses traditionally more than three thousand years. In India mostly village people are brushing his or her teeth with neem sticks. This tree is available everywhere in India, neem trees are actually in mahogany family trees. It is available throughout the year, only few natural products can provide benefit like neem. The flowers are white color, and fruit of the neem tree is a small drupe with a bittersweet pulp. Neem leaves can be used for many different things. The oil from neem leaves can be used in a wide variety of medical practices. Neem contains unique composition of organic compounds and beneficial components. It is also used alternative and herbal remedies. Neem leaves are also popular in Indian kitchen. It is one of the most important and versatile plants in Indian culture.

Neem uses different kind of application in our body, like.

Fungal Infection

Uses neem as a anti fungal medicine, Neem leaf, gum, Seeds, & oil uses various type of fungal infection like, Leprosy, eye disorder, athlete’s food, mouth fungal infection & various type of skin infection, its organic ingredients are rapid and highly efficient.

Image result for neem treeAntibacterial Potential

Neem is considerate to be a general tonic for the immune system, it keep overall health protect. Neem oil, leaves & other parts of this tree is strong antibacterial effect, this is come to play both internally & externally.

Detoxifying our body

Neem stimulates our liver and kidneys to helping eliminate toxins quickly and optimizing our body’s metabolic activities.

Help Gastric 

Consuming neem is help to reduce ulcers and other intestinal issue; it is directly connected with a reduction in inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also used as a quick healing antidote for stomach infection that can destroy beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Acne Treatment

The anti bacterial nature and its high quality antioxidant are help to keep the skin looking fresh and clean. Neem pest is recommended for this challenging treatment to remove much of grease and bacteria from our body skin. Neem oil is also having high quality fatty acids and high contained of vitamin E, its astringent properties reduces the chances of skin sagging, wrinkles, and aging.

Hair Treatment

Neem is also popular for shampoos and scalp cleansers, its antifungal and antibacterial properties can help to remove dandruff and help the skin remain hydrated. Its antioxidant contain are help to improve your hair follicles and stimulate hair growth, it’s also prevent baldness.

Neem is one of the most important trees in Ayurvedic medicine. Various parts of neem trees are uses as an ayurvedic medicine for prevent various types of disease.

Neem oil is used for leprosy, intestinal worms, beauty product etc.

Neem fruit is used for piles, urinary disorder, eye problem, leprosy, intestinal worms, wounds etc.

Neem leaf is used for bloody nose, stomach upset, skin problem, cardiovascular disease, fever, gum disease, intestinal worms, and eye disorder, liver problem etc. it is also purify the blood and build immunity against diseases.

Neem twig is also used for diabetes, asthma, piles, obstinate urinary disorder, etc.

Neem seed is use for leprosy, intestinal worms, and Gum is used for ulcers, skin disease, and scabies.

Neem is a Indian traditional medicine plant which is uses centuries of old knowledge in Indian culture. It is included in Indian festival also.