We discuss about 15(Fifteen) foods those are fight against diabetic.
You add your food habit all of this, not only two or four items, most of them adds you’re died, together they fight against diabetes. No Single food can prevent or cure diabetes.
1. Avocado
Avocado controls high blood sugar level for its monounsaturated fatty acid, which have to raise “good” HDL cholesterol. Avocado could help to reduce the chance of heart disease and stroke for diabetic patent. Its may improve insulin sensitivity.
2. Barley
Barley can help to control you type 2 diabetic. It known as a “food of the Gladiators” it is high in soluble fiber which prevents carbohydrates from being absorbed too quickly and raising blood glucose levels. It is rich in magnesium which including enzymes to involved in the production of insulin
3. Berries
Berries are full of fiber and antioxidants, berries are helping lower blood sugar by boosting insulin production in our body..
4. Apple
Apple is the full of fiber and antioxidant, and naturally low in calories, its fight against bad cholesterol. Eat them whole and unpeeled for greatest benefit.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli is full of antioxidant, it is high in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A, and also rich in chromium which control blood sugar in long term. It has a good amount of protein. Phytochemicals in broccoli are benefit for our immune system. Broccoli is fight against type 2 diabetic.
6. Beans
Beans are the super food for diabetes. It’s also a good source of Iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A, it is rich fiber (mostly Soluble) and it also great source of protein. It’s control blood sugar level,
7. Carrots
Carrots is one of the good food for diabetes, it is one of the richest source of beta-carotene, which is control our blood sugar level. They also found high level of gamma tocopherol.
8. Sweets Potatoes
Choose sweet potato in your cooking instead of white potato, when you prepared it do not added sugar, butter, marshmallows, it is high in fiber, and low in glycemic index which control blood glucose level. Potassium control blood pressure. Research shows that sweet potato contains adiponectin, which helps to improve metabolism and insulin regulation. Try to eat it roasted, or boiled cooked. One medium size is perfect for daily diet chart.
9. Seeds
Seeds are good for diabetics, seeds like fenugreek, chia, pumpkin, sunflowers etc, they are all rich in fiber (soluble), they also contain galactomannan, and rich in protin. Seeds are also in amino acid, and antioxidant. Seeds nutritional elements help to increase insulin sensitivity level in our body.
10. Olive Oil
Olive oil is highly recommended Mediterranean oil. It is the source of omega 6, omega 3 fats, and olive oil also contains phytosterols which helps absorbed the cholesterol from food and lower the amount of LDL cholesterol. Olive oil would not increase insulin resistance but helps to reserve it, it also help slow digestion. Extra virgin olive oil helps to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. It was also rich in plant substance antioxidant which can help to reduce the oxidative damage caused to our bodies by high level of blood sugar
11. Nuts
Diabetes people have a risk to developing heart disease, unhealthy saturated fats is one of the many causes. We found healthy polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats in nuts. It is also contain in omega 3,We found monounsaturated fats in nuts like cashews, pistachios, and pecans, and polyunsaturated fats in nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts and Brazil nuts. Arginine is one type of amino acid which helps to building block protein; it also helps insulin to work more effectively in our body. It also a good source of soluble fiber, antioxidant and vitamin E. which can help to control diabetes.
12. Low fats Milk
Milk is high in potassium, and it causes blood pressure lowering effect. If you take low fats or fats free milk, you get little amount of saturated fats or not,13. Cucumber
Cucumbers are many benefits in our overall health. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Fiber, folic acid, and much type of minerals like magnesium, potassium, silica, in cucumber found to get such a hormone which required beta cells to produce insulin. The Glycemic index is zero in cucumber; it’s the very low carbohydrates vegetables,
14. Tomato
Tomato is one of the good foods for diabetic, It is full of vitamin A, vitamin C, and full of potassium, manganese, they also low-carb and low calories vegetables. It is also a good source of fiber. Its control our blood sugar level.
15. Fish & Sea foods
Fish & sea foods are the common dish in our daily food habit. Sea foods & sea fish is the great natural source of omega 3 fatty acid, high quality protein, and zero carbohydrate. Sea food is low in cholesterol, trans fat, and unhealthy saturated fats. So it will not cause to increase blood sugar level.
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