Wednesday 20 December 2017

Benefits of Tulsi or Holy Basil

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Tulsi is one of the common herbs in Indian culture; it is placed in house hold, Ayurveda medicine, and also treated as holy plant in Hinduism. It is found in tropical regions mostly Southeast Asian countries. Generally it is found in two types first one is Lakshmi tulsi (Green coloured), another is Krishna tulsi (purple colour), out of this so many type of tulsi are found like Ram tulsi, Hari tulsi etc. Tulsi is extremely beneficial for humans.

Tulsi essential oil is used to treat number of elements; it is rich in antioxidant, linoleic acid and other good elements.

Tulsi help to relieving from, cold, cough, fever, chest congestion etc.

Tulsi is an anti bacterial, anti viral, antibiotic properties.

It is also full of essential oil, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

It is also helps to control Kidney Stone, and uric acid levels in our body.

Image result for tulsi

It has also a detoxifying, purifying, and cleansing agent.

It is also uses for skin disorders, ring worms, and itching problem.

It is also helps for proper digestion, strengthen immunity, and relieve from stress.

It is also benefited for hepatitis, dengue, malaria, tuberculosis and swine flu etc.

It is also use for good dental health and gums.

Tulsi also control various type hormones in our body.

It is also use for chronic bronchitis, asthma etc. and also beneficial for diabetics.

Regular consumption of tulsi is balance our body processes.

Note: Don’t consume Tulsi when pregnant or breast- feeding your child.