Thursday 10 August 2017

Food for healthy skin

Your skin is the most important organ in your body. Healthy skin needs healthy diet which can significantly affect your health and aging of your skin.
This article looks at some best food for keeping your skin healthy. Healthy skin needs some essential nutrition.
Image result for healthy skin foods
Healthy Fats, Vitamin C & E
Avocados are good source of healthy fats, and contain vitamin E & C, which are Important for healthy skin. They also contain some compounds that protect from sun damage.
Its high in healthy fats benefited many function in your body, including skin. Avocados are also a good source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from oxidative damage.
Avocados also the good source of vitamin C, which is essential for healthy skin, healthy skin need to create collagen, which is the main structural protein for keep your skin strong & healthy.
Deficiency in vitamin C is causes dry, rough & scaly skin.

Vitamin C rich fruits like, strawberries, kiwis, pineapple, watermelon guava, papaya etc.
Vegetables rich in vitamin C are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, Brussels, celery etc, and also dark green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin E rich foods like berries, avocado, pomegranates, mango, kiwi, pumpkin, potato, broccoli, sunflower seeds etc.

Omega -3 Fatty Acid
Omega -3 is important for healthy skin, it’s maintained to keep skin thick, and moisturized the skin. Deficiency of omega-3 causes dry skin. And it also protects the harmful UV rays.
The source of omega-3 rich food like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna,) mostly sea fish,
Walnuts is one of the most essential food for healthy skin, it’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acid, omega-6, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc & protein.
Zinc is also a important role in healthy skin.

Beta – carotene  
Carotenoids like beta – carotene help to keep your skin healthy by acting as a natural sun block. After eating it can be converted vitamin A in to the body.     It is help to prevent sunburn, cell death and wrinkled skin.

Beta –carotene rich food like orange, sweet potatoes, red or yellow Bell Peppers, carrot, pumpkin etc.

Note: For healthy skin, eating green vegetables, fruits & nuts and also take plenty of water every day. 

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